Friday, June 21, 2013

When I Ponder & Wonder... about Love

Recently I ran across this picture: It fascinated me! 
Take a moment and look at it: what do you see!? 

It is so gentle, light, careful, attentive, considerate...
It's evidently a picture of a heart.
But it's also a multitude of simple lines - nothing more. Thin thin lines that could almost be transparent... Only one of them would not mean anything but the gentle dance of lines form this intricate heart...
This seems to perfectly capture what love truly is. 

It made me WONDER: What is love?

We throw this word around so often in our everyday life, but do we even know or fully realize what it actually means!? What are those elements that love is made of, like the lines that created this image?

The obvious (and beautiful!!) answer could be by St.Paul when he 'sings' the Hymn of Love (1Corinthians 13:4-8):

Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; 
love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; 
it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, 
does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 
bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 
Love never fails;

However true and beautiful these words are (and they most certainly are both!!), they seem to answer the question of HOW love is (or should be) and not WHAT love is.

The lines of the image are gentle, kind, attentive, humble... but they are lines.
So what are the lines, the elements, that constitute love? LOVE is act, action!

The more I thought about it, the more it became clear to me:
Love is not primarily an emotion, a sensation, butterflies in your tummy, a warm feeling in your heart... It's not an abstract, subjective thing!! It's concrete, clear and grounded, it's objective and evident and palpable! Love is action!

Love is patient, kind... ACTION.
BUT it's action with a specific intent: that of loving.
This sounds circular, but it actually isn't!
Love is action, like that heart is made of lines. But it's not any kind of action! It's action with the intent of loving: The lines are not any kind of random lines! They are lines with the intent to form a heart!

That's why Saint Paul started his Hymn of Love by saying (1Corinthians 13:1-3):
If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, 
I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 
If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; 
and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 
And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, 
but do not have love, it profits me nothing. 

Action without love is nothing.
Love without action is nothing.

The same action can be done out of duty, necessity, custom... then it's just an action.
But if that same action is truly done out of love, it gains a new dimension and value! It becomes LOVE, not just an expression of love, an act of love, but LOVE itself as such!
The intent thus becomes the defining moment of action and the defining aspect of what love truly is.

Just as in the picture: The lines are the components. But it's not the lines as such that form the heart. It's the composition of the lines, their intent so to speak, that makes them become what they truly are: a heart.
In the same way, our actions become love not because they are actions and thus the 'material' of love. But because they are done out of the intent of loving this material gets the 'form' of love and only then becomes love.

And as we see in the picture: the 'material' of it is the lines but it is also the non-lines between the lines! They too are a constitutional part of the image!
The same way it's with love too:
the positive AND the negative;
the right thing AND the mistake;
the big gestures and life-changing moments AND the invisible silent unnoticed ones;
the strong big important AND the gentle hair-thin and almost invisible;
the joy AND the pain;
the obvious understood and meaningful AND the enigmatic incomprehensible;

It's all part of love!

It's all part of the picture!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

When I Ponder & Wonder... about Solidarity

The other day my ♡ and I went to this awesome music-festival. We had a great time! There was one band in particular that we enjoyed a lot: Las Cafeteras. They were awesome! The rhythm, the voices, the animated atmosphere... it was so original and positive and entertaining in such an optimistic way! We truly enjoyed every second of their performance!! 

Between two songs one of the performers mentioned, that many of their friends and a big part of their community are hearing impaired, so he taught us how to 'clap' in American Sign Language (ASL). That was quite a moving moment after all the loud music and dancing and clapping there was this moment of silence and hand-waving that had a particular magic to it. 

Then later he also explained what this sign means and his explanation really touched me: 
"This is the sign for 'I love you'. 
I love you even though I don't know who you are. 
That's true solidarity! The solidarity that the world needs!" 

I was really touched by this tiny philosophical and/or spiritual 'insert' that almost seemed to go unnoticed... but it made me think for days...

And it made me WONDER: What is solidarity?!

I looked up the definition of solidarity in the dictionary - actually in a couple of dictionaries to be able to compare the definitions a bit... They all sound more or less the same:
"Solidarity is a unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on a community of interests, objectives, and standards."

Is solidarity purely a unity in regards to common interests? If solidarity is only that, than it's too reductive, superficial... too self-oriented. Then I can only express solidarity with someone I share MY interests, MY objectives, MY standards with...

Shouldn't solidarity be more?
Shouldn't solidarity be about 'putting myself in the shoes of the other' to understand them even though I might not share their specific interests, objectives and standards?

I seems to me, that only solidarity understood in this deeper way can bring us forward in our attempt to coexist in this world. Only solidarity conceived as this selfless love can truly make us understand each others positions, enable true dialogue and allow us to truly understand the other person (or groups) interest, objectives, standards in order to be able to create a common ground.
But this common ground will not be based on the particular interests of a certain group (that maybe other groups can't share) but it will be common ground of LOVE.
Love as a selfless openness to each other: I love you even though I don't know who you are. 

I love you, even though I don't know who you are.
I love you first; then I try to get to know you on the basis of this love.
Only that will allow me to get to know you without prejudice,
without trying to impose my interests and beliefs on you,
without trying to make you become who I want you to be,
without loosing interest in you even before I get to know you simply based on who I think you are...

I love you first. This gives me an enormous openness to you.
I love you so much that you can truly be who you are - unique and different from me...
I love you even though I don't understand you,
even though I might not share your views,
even though I might not agree with you,
even though I might ...
But out of love I accept you differentness.
And if you encounter me in this same attitude of love...
... then true solidarity is born:
true understanding,
true dialogue,
true compromise,
(and looking back to the dictionary definition):
true unity (that goes beyond but does not eliminate the differences)
that produces true community (now not based on common interests anymore but on love).

That is true solidarity!

I love you even though I don't know who you are.

How beautiful to find these pearls of wisdom in the midst of a crowded square filled with music and dancing on a lovely summer day... Thank you for that Las Cafeteras!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

When I Ponder & Wonder...

I love to say about myself that I am a philosopher. Funny thing about that is, that I actually am - I literally have it in my job-description! :-)
I love philosophy, but what I love even more is the pure WONDER that it brings with itself.
Many a times during the day I catch myself wondering and pondering about things... Asking myself what I think about a certain thing, how I define it, how I see it...
Many small things that I encounter - and that encounter me - raise questions, observations and thoughts in me and I always felt that I should put these things to paper...
So here I am: putting it to paper and inviting you to PONDER and WONDER with me!

Welcome to my blog!